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EN 12841

The EN 12841 standard applies to rope adjustment devices intended for use in rope access systems. It specifies the requirements, test methods, marking and information supplied by the manufacturer. The systems make use of rope adjustment devices together with lifelines. The latter can either be work lines or safety lines, normally consisting of ropes complying with type A of the EN 18911 standard.

The rope adjustment devices have the function of connecting low positioning harnesses (compliant with standard EN 813) or fall arrest harnesses (compliant with standard EN 361) to a work line and a safety line. This allows the access, exit and direction changes in the work position, in addition to supporting and protecting persons from the risk of falls.
Type A rope adjustment devices are used with the safety lines to prevent falls in case of errors on the work line. Whereas type B and C rope adjustment devices are used, respectively, to help a person climb or descend along the work line, but also to prevent the risk of falling.

Products for this standard

Grip descender on 10 m rope
